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25/3/25 - Urgent temporary changes to appointment making process, please read

Due to staffing constraints, new appointments for the following services can only be booked online for the remainder of this week:

  • PrEP 
  • Contraceptive Implants
  • Contraceptive Coils
  • STI No Symptoms
  • Young People Clinic

If our booking portal is showing no appointments available in your area then unfortunately our appointments are fully booked. Please do not call us as we do not have access to any additional appointments. If this is the case, please check for appointments becoming available later in the week.

Our switchboard remains open only for those with symptoms or those seeking support for unintended pregnancy.

We thank you for your patience and apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Appointments booked online can also be cancelled and amended via the same booking portal.


Nursing Training

Sandyford offers training to nursing and midwifery professionals looking to expand their knowledge of Sexual & Reproductive Health and Genitourinary Medicine.


Due to our more formal training commitments to institutions such as the University of Glasgow, Glasgow Caledonian University, and the Faculty of Sexual & Reproductive Health, we are unable to accept shadow or placement requests from both trainee and senior nursing and midwifery staff. This includes elective placements from students.

Coils: Letter of Competence

If you’re a nursing professional interested in training in IUDs, we recommend the Faculty of Sexual & Reproductive Health’s Letter of Competence. 

A Letter of Competence from the Faculty of Sexual & Reproductive Health allows doctors and nurses to train and gain experience in sub dermal implants (LoC SDI) and intra uterine techniques (LoC IUT) without first holding the Diploma of Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare.

They must demonstrate the evidence based knowledge, attitude and skills required to consult with a woman requesting contraception, and to appropriately provide intrauterine and sub-dermal implant insertion and removal methods and manage complications and side effects.

Letters of Competence in IUD / IUS & Sub Dermal Implant training are available to doctors and nurses. To start training you must have either a current Diploma of Faculty of Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare or have passed the FSRH on-line theory assessment (OTA). More information regarding the OTA can be found on the Faculty’s website.

Available to: doctors and nurses

Cost: £75 per session for up to 10 sessions dependent on experience.

Prerequisites: Candidates must have passed the Faculty’s online theory assessment (OTA) and online modules for IUD/IUS and/or Sub Dermal implant (these modules are found on the e-Learning for Healthcare website which you must register on). Once the candidate has successfully passed the OTA and completed the above modules, dates can be arranged to attend Sandyford IUD / Implant training clinics with a Faculty Registered Trainer to complete the practical clinical training.

Implants: Letter of Competence & Managed Clinical Network Training

Nurses interested in implant training can follow one of two routes: either the Faculty of Sexual & Reproductive Health’s Letter of Competence, or the West of Scotland Managed Clinical Network training. Both allow the trainee to practice implants.

Letter of Competence

Please note that Sandyford are currently unable to offer Letters of Competence in Sub Dermal Implants due to limited capacity. We're working to re-open these opportunities as soon as possible.

A Letter of Competence from the Faculty of Sexual & Reproductive Health allows doctors and nurses to training and gain experience in sub dermal implants (LoC SDI) and intra uterine techniques (LoC IUT) without first holding the Diploma of Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare.

They must demonstrate the evidence based knowledge, attitude and skills required to consult with a woman requesting contraception, and to appropriately provide intrauterine and sub-dermal implant insertion and removal methods and manage complications and side effects.

Letters of Competence in IUD / IUS & Sub Dermal Implant training are available to doctors and nurses. To start training you must have either a current Diploma of Faculty of Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare or have passed the FSRH on-line theory assessment (OTA). More information regarding the OTA can be found on the Faculty’s website.

Available to: doctors and nurses

Cost: £75 per session for up to 5 sessions dependent on experience.

Prerequisites: Candidates must have passed the Faculty’s online theory assessment (OTA) and online modules for IUD/IUS and/or Sub Dermal implant (these modules are found on the e-Learning for Healthcare website which you must register on). Once the candidate has successfully passed the OTA and completed the above modules, dates can be arranged to attend Sandyford IUD / Implant training clinics with a Faculty Registered Trainer to complete the practical clinical training.

Faculty of Sexual & Reproductive Health Website


Managed Clinical Network Training

Sandyford delivers the West of Scotland Managed Clinical Network (MCN) nurse implant training. This is available to nurses and midwives across the west of Scotland who will undertake a minimum of 6 insertions per year, and allows candidates to gain experience in inserting and removing Nexplanon implants. Training is delivered one-to-one over up to three practical sessions with our nursing team. Theory and model arm training must be completed before commencing clinical training. Practical sessions should be completed within twelve months of undertaking the theoretical training.

Available to: nurses and midwives registered with the NMC

Cost: Please contact the Training Department

Prerequisites: Candidates must have passed the Faculty’s online modules) numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 10 and 17. We will also require a letter of support from the candidate’s line manager and proof of their registration with NMC. More information regarding the e-SRH modules can be found on the Faculty’s website.

Diploma of the Faculty of Sexual & Reproductive Health

The FSRH Diploma is aimed at doctors (DFSRH) and nurses (NDFSRH) already working in general practice, obstetrics and gynaecology or community and integrated sexual health services. The Diploma demonstrates the candidate can provide safe and effective sexual and reproductive health care in community, primary and secondary care settings.

Sandyford no longer offers the old Course of 5.

Available to: doctors and nurses

Cost: £75 per practical session (approx 3) and further fees payable to the FSRH (approx £325) and the health board hosting the Assessment Half Day (approx £150.)

Prerequisites: candidates must complete the e-SRH modules available on the e-LFH website within the year before beginning their Diploma, and be up to date with BLS/Anaphylaxis training.