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25/3/25 - Urgent temporary changes to appointment making process, please read

Due to staffing constraints, new appointments for the following services can only be booked online for the remainder of this week:

  • PrEP 
  • Contraceptive Implants
  • Contraceptive Coils
  • STI No Symptoms
  • Young People Clinic

If our booking portal is showing no appointments available in your area then unfortunately our appointments are fully booked. Please do not call us as we do not have access to any additional appointments. If this is the case, please check for appointments becoming available later in the week.

Our switchboard remains open only for those with symptoms or those seeking support for unintended pregnancy.

We thank you for your patience and apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Appointments booked online can also be cancelled and amended via the same booking portal.

About Us

Sandyford is the specialist sexual health service for Greater Glasgow and Clyde.

Sandyford provides an integrated sexual and reproductive health service across the NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde area; Glasgow, East Dunbartonshire, West Dunbartonshire, East Renfrewshire, Inverclyde and Renfrewshire. It is delivered in a confidential, friendly, non- judgmental manner from a range of highly professional staff that include doctors, nurses, counsellors, reception, and administration staff to name a few.

Our vision is that the population of NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde enjoys good and positive sexual health. Where people need support, care or treatment they can easily access specialist sexual health services. Our focus is on prevention of poor sexual health, early intervention and supported self-management.

In order to address the sexual health challenges facing our populations we prioritise resources and focus attention on people, population groups, and areas which are in greatest need and/or who have greater difficulties in maintaining good sexual health.    

Key objectives:

  • To ensure people who need care, testing and treatment can easily access our services.
  • To ensure the correct service is available at the correct time by offering a tiered model of service and intervention provision approach.
  • To work in partnership to address inequalities in sexual health

Accessibility Information


Contact Us

The Sexual Health, Health Improvement team is part of Sandyford. Health Improvement is the area of public health practice concerned with improving the health and wellbeing of populations and reducing inequalities. Utilising health promotion, prevention and community development approaches to influence the lifestyle, socio-economic, physical and cultural environment of populations, communities and individuals.

In Scotland the discipline of Health Improvement has a leadership role for addressing inequalities in population health at structural, community or group and individual level.

The team builds capacity to enhance the knowledge, skills, competence and approaches of partner organisations and the professionals and volunteers working with them. This involves the planning, delivery and evaluation of interventions designed to empower people to make informed sexual and relationship choices on the basis of accurate information, a positive sense of identity, skills, and an understanding of rights and responsibilities.

The team can be contacted via email to discuss any support or development that you require from our team.

Our Journey

Sandyford has evolved from its inception in 2000 as a convergence of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Services, Genitourinary Medicine and the Centre for Women’s Health into a fully integrated specialised sexual health service across the NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde area. Sandyford has maintained a strong emphasis on delivering non-judgemental sexual, reproductive and emotional health services that respect people’s individual experiences and understands them within a social context. Sandyford continues to be seen as an exemplar in how it plans and delivers services across the population.

Please feel free to feedback to us on any comments you have on this website or if you feel there is something missing. You can also contact us by phone on 0141 211 8130 or via email if you want to ask advice or make an appointment.