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17/3/25 - Urgent temporary changes to appointment making process, please read

Due to staffing constraints, new appointments for the following services can only be booked online for the remainder of this week:

  • PrEP 
  • Contraceptive Implants
  • Contraceptive Coils
  • STI No Symptoms
  • Young People Clinic

If our booking portal is showing no appointments available in your area then unfortunately our appointments are fully booked. Please do not call us as we do not have access to any additional appointments. If this is the case, please check for appointments becoming available later in the week.

Our switchboard remains open only for those with symptoms or those seeking support for unintended pregnancy.

We thank you for your patience and apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Appointments booked online can also be cancelled and amended via the same booking portal.



Most people get HIV from someone who doesn’t know they have it. It’s important to test regularly and it’s quick, free and confidential.

Do yersel a favour watch this video.
Jamie explains how often you should test for HIV. For some men it’s recommended to test every 12 months, for other men it’s every 3 months. This can depend on what kind of sex you like to have, how many men you usually have sex with or what you know about the HIV status of the man or men you have sex with. Use the When to Test tool on this page to find out more about the HIV testing guidance. 
Planning ahead and taking control will give you the benefit of knowing you'll be taking care of your sexual health.

Know your statusTesting for HIV is quick, free and confidential. Lots of men worry about taking an HIV test because they think they might have the virus. If you have HIV, the sooner you are tested, the sooner you start effective treatment. Effective treatment allows you to live a healthy life and means you can’t pass the virus on.
Some men think they don’t need to test because they don’t have lots of hook-ups or think their HIV status is the same as their last test, even if that test was a long time ago. Most people get HIV from someone who doesn’t know they have it. So it’s really important to test – at least once a year. If you’re having regular condomless anal sex, you should test every three months.

HIV When to Test Q&A Tool

Our interactive question and answer tool lets you easily find out your recommended HIV testing routine in a few simple steps.

What is U = U ?

HIV treatment reduces viral load. The amount of HIV in your body to undetectable levels. With an undetectable level of HIV, you can’t pass on the virus to someone else. This is known as Undetectable =Untransmissable (U=U). Effective treatment is a great HIV prevention tool, it saves lives and prevents HIV transmission. This means your sexual partners are protected.

Your HIV Testing Options

  • You can book an express test online at a time and location that works for you. 
  • You can attend our regular drop-in clinics at The Pipeworks Sauna and Riding Rooms. Dates and times here 
  • Call us on 0141 211 8130 if you think you have symptoms of HIV infection or have been exposed to the virus in the past 72 hours. The line is open Mondays to Fridays from 8.45am - 4.15pm, except public holidays.
  • If you think you have been exposed to the virus in the past 72 hours and our services are closed, please go to your local A&E.

Find out how to book, what happens when you attend an express test and how to get your results at Sandyford.

Testing regularly for HIV is a really important part of taking control of your sexual health. If your test is positive, the earlier your treatment can start and the better the outcome for your health. There’s lots of support available for you if you test positive. You can live a long and healthy life. Find out about living with HIV here.

Not testing regularly means, it can be possible for you to have the HIV virus and not know it. This means the virus can be damaging to your body and you might unknowingly pass it on to others. 

If your test is negative PrEP can support your sexual health and protect you from HIV. If taken correctly, it is highly effective at stopping HIV being passed on.

Regular HIV testing can help support your sexual health.  
If you have HIV the sooner you are tested, the sooner you can start effective treatment.  Effective treatment allows you to live a healthy life and means you can't pass on the virus. 

Some men think they don't need to test as they don't have lots of hook-ups, or think no one they have sex with has HIV.  Most people get HIV from someone who doesn't know they have HIV. The only way to know if you have HIV is to have an HIV test.  So it is really important to test regularly and plan ahead to take control of your sexual health. Use the When to Test tool  to find out more about how often you should test.