We do not offer vaccinations to everyone, and you do not have to accept a vaccination if it is offered or suggested to you.
The decision to offer you a vaccination will be based on if you are eligible such as who you have sex with, your gender and your age. Direction on who we offer vaccination to is from the Scottish Government’s Chief Medical Officer.
You will normally be offered the vaccination if you are eligible whilst you are already at Sandyford for another appointment. We will sometimes offer vaccination-only appointments which will be advertised and bookable via the usual methods to those who are eligible when these are available.
It is important that you read the below before booking a vaccination appointment.
HPV vaccine is now available to men in sexual health services. To be eligible for the first dose, you must be both:
Hepatitis B vaccine – this vaccine offers protection against hepatitis B and is available to those who are at high risk of developing the infection.
This includes people originally from high-risk countries, people who inject drugs and people who have unprotected sex with multiple sexual partners
Hepatitis A Vaccination isn’t routinely offered in the UK because the risk of infection is low for most people. It is only recommended for people at high risk including:
Please note Sandyford can only offer these vaccinations to those who are at risk through sexual activity.