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17/3/25 - Urgent temporary changes to appointment making process, please read

Due to staffing constraints, new appointments for the following services can only be booked online for the remainder of this week:

  • PrEP 
  • Contraceptive Implants
  • Contraceptive Coils
  • STI No Symptoms
  • Young People Clinic

If our booking portal is showing no appointments available in your area then unfortunately our appointments are fully booked. Please do not call us as we do not have access to any additional appointments. If this is the case, please check for appointments becoming available later in the week.

Our switchboard remains open only for those with symptoms or those seeking support for unintended pregnancy.

We thank you for your patience and apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Appointments booked online can also be cancelled and amended via the same booking portal.



The intention of a vasectomy is to make a man sterile and no longer capable of fathering further children. You should therefore not think about having a vasectomy unless you are absolutely sure that you will never want another child.

Before contacting us please read the patient information page and watch the video which details everything you need to know about the procedure.

 Service Update


Given the increase in demand and the consequent impact this has had on our waiting times, NHSGGC requires to develop a process to effectively manage the waiting lists for Vasectomy services. To do this effectively, we need to ensure that the patients on our waiting lists meet the criteria for being appointed.  

We have commenced this process with an administrative validation exercise. This commencing November 2024, and we envisage that this will take approximately 6-8 weeks to complete.  

We are committed to providing the best possible clinical care for anyone seeking access to this service and we value their support in taking action to respond to our communications during this time. 

Validation Process 

If you are currently on our waitlist, you can expect a communication from us. Please accept these as a genuine request. We will verify your identity, ask if you wish to stay on the waiting list, and if so, check that your personal and GP contact details are correct. 

We will provide you with a 14-day period to respond. If we do not hear back from you inside this period, we will send a reminder with an additional 14 days to respond. 

If you do not respond by the deadline, we will assume that you no longer require this service, and we will remove your details from our list in line with the NHSGGC Patient Access Policy. 

Please note that the letters that have been sent out, are using the American formatting for date instead of the UK, for example your letter may state MM/DD/YYYY instead of DD/MM/YYYY. Please do not worry about this, however if you have any concerns of believe there is an error for your referral date, please email the team at: 

General Notice 

If you wish to join the waitlist, please contact the following email address: All enquiries will be responded to within 10 working days. 

Please get in touch if your details have changed, especially your address. Due to the high demand for appointments within the service, we are asking patients to email any updates to the email above.  

Please remember that we are not provided these details by your GP and rely on our patients to update us. 

If you are unable to access emails, please call our main switchboard number on 0141 211 8130 and the switchboard team can update your details over the phone. If you would prefer you can also write to us at the following address for the attention of the Vasectomy Service: Sandyford Sexual Health Service, 6 Sandyford Place, Glasgow, G3 7NB. 

Please note that the service is unable to reply to enquiries on your waiting list position, however, please be assured if you have requested to join one of our waiting lists, we will contact you when you reach the top. This also is the case for the switchboard team, and they will be unable to confirm your position. 

As a paper-light service, we aim to contact patients via email first before we write to your address on file. If we have been unable to reach you within 4 weeks, we will remove you from the waiting list. 

Patient Information

Further information about how a vasectomy works, the pros and cons, recovery times and answers to common questions. 

What do I do if I want to have a vasectomy?

You can make an appointment at Sandyford to discuss and assess your suitability for a vasectomy. You do not need to be referred by your GP. If you wish to proceed, an appointment should be made  for an assessment. 

Before the assessment appointment you should read the patient Information page and watch the video above which details everything you need to know – it is important you do this as it forms part of the informed consent process. 


At the assessment appointment

Assessment clinics run weekly on Monday and Tuesday at Sandyford Central by appointment. 

During the assessment a specialist nurse will confirm that you have understood all the information about all aspects of the procedure including the failure rate and known complications.

There will be an opportunity to discuss in confidence any questions or issues you may have regarding vasectomy. If you wish to proceed to a Vasectomy, you can then make the appointment for your Vasectomy procedure.  

After the procedure

There will be some discomfort for the following 48 hours. Most men have some bruising and swelling. If you are employed we recommend you arrange to take the next day or two off work, and we recommend that you keep off your feet as much as possible. Wearing tight fitting underpants often helps to support the scrotum and applies pressure to any bleeding. The area can be bathed the following day. Adding salt to bath water can help healing. Any stitches should dissolve themselves.

Further Information on Vasectomy