The easiest way to book or cancel an appointment is online.
If your need to cancel your appointment or if you think that you may be late, please phone the direct telephone numbers for these clinics:
Paisley: 01413149402
Parkhead: 01412327413
Woodside: 01412015506
Any other clinic please call 01412118130 Monday to Friday, between 8.45am - 12.30pm or 1pm - 4pm.
Please be aware if you are expecting a call from Sandyford, that NHSGGC have changed their outbound telephone number from a 0800 to a 0141 number.
As with the 0800 number, if the 0141 number is called back there is a message that says ‘this number does not accept incoming calls’.
For general enquires and appointments please call 0141 211 8130. If you are phoning to make an appointment you will be offered the next available appointment. If you cannot make that appointment you will be asked to call back the next day.
For general enquires:
Sandyford Sexual Health Service, 6 Sandyford Place, Glasgow, G3 7NB
General enquiries:
Please be aware that you can't use this email to book clinic appointments or make self referrals. Please do not include any personal identifiable or medical information about yourself when emailing Sandyford.
Members of the public who would like to make a complaint please email:
For more information on NHSGGC complaints procedure please see the NHSGGC formal complaint procedure.
You can get information about the full range of counselling therapies and services we offer by phoning 01412116700 and requesting an information pack.
If you are involved in the sex or sexual entertainment industry in Greater Glasgow and Clyde area and need support with your sexual health, please email us on
The email is checked daily Monday to Friday and we will reply as soon as we can.
All initial enquires to the Gender Service should be raised via email to our adult gender team or young people gender team and a member of staff will get back to you. Please provide us with you full name (or name you have registered with at the service) along with your date of birth and address.
To phone us, please call 01412118137 for the adult service and 01412118618 for the young person’s gender service.
Sandyford offers additional support to people who may find it difficult to access mainstream services. Our Inclusion Team can help with advice, support, or offer an appointment please email
The email is checked daily Monday to Friday and we will reply as soon as we can.
If you have been raped or sexually assaulted in the last 7 days, please phone Archway on 01412118175 as soon as you can.
For support for those living with HIV, please read the detailed information on the Brownlee website or call 01412111074 or 01412322175.
You can email the Sandyford Young Persons Service at
Our YPSandyford website has a lot of interesting information you may find useful.
Please call us for advice, or to make your own appointment on 01412118620. The line is answered Monday to Friday 8.45 am to 4.00 pm. An answer machine available out with these times. Please remember if the staff are calling you back it will come from a 0141 number that does not accept in coming calls.