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10/3/25 - Urgent temporary changes to appointment making process, please read

Due to staffing constraints, new appointments for the following services can only be booked online for the remainder of this week:

  • PrEP 
  • Contraceptive Implants
  • Contraceptive Coils
  • STI No Symptoms
  • Young People Clinic

If our booking portal is showing no appointments available in your area then unfortunately our appointments are fully booked. Please do not call us as we do not have access to any additional appointments. If this is the case, please check for appointments becoming available later in the week.

Our switchboard remains open only for those with symptoms or those seeking support for unintended pregnancy.

We thank you for your patience and apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Appointments booked online can also be cancelled and amended via the same booking portal.


Testing for Sexually Transmitted Infections

Testing for Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) is an important part of good sexual health. And it's easier than ever to do.

It's important to test if you have any symptoms that may be due to an STI but also if you have had a change in sexual partner or a partner has had an STI. Often people with STI’s have no symptoms so it is always worth being tested if there has been a risk of infection and you haven't tested recently.



To find out if you should book an STI test and how to book, pick the option that best applies to you below:

I'm over 18 & have no symptoms

If you are 18 or over and have no symptoms, you can book an STI test online.

If you only need testing for Gonorrhoea and Chlamydia you can opt to order an At Home Self-Sampling Kit to send back to us.

You will need to book an in-person appointment to test for HIV or Syphilis.

Online bookings can be booked, cancelled and rescheduled online too.

I'm over 18 & have symptoms

If you are 18 or over and have symptoms, we recommend calling us as soon as possible to schedule a test. You can do so on 0141 211 8130 (Monday to Friday 8.45 am to 4.15 pm)


I'm under 18

If you are 13 - 17, whether you have symptoms or not, the fastest way to book your test is online here. Please select Young Person's Clinic as your service.

Online bookings can be booked, cancelled and rescheduled online too. But you can call us to arrange your appointment if you prefer: 0141 211 8130

Anyone 16 or over can choose to order an At Home Self-Sampling Kit to test for Gonorrhoea and Chlamydia. This must be ordered via the link provided and can't be arranged over the phone. 

To test for HIV or Syphilis you will need to book an in-person appointment.


You can check out our Young People's website for more info.

Must-read information before booking your appointment:

Please read the following information before booking to ensure you are getting the right service for you.

What symptoms should I look out for?

Common STI symptoms include:

  • pain when you pass urine (pee) 
  • itching, burning or tingling around the genitals 
  • new discharge from the genitals or anus
  • blisters, sores, spots or lumps around the genitals or anus
  • bleeding between periods or after sex
  • pain during sex
  • lower abdominal pain
  • rash over the body with flu like symptoms

However, it is important to remember that some people experience no symptoms when they have an STI. That's why regular testing is so important.

When should I test?

If you don’t have symptoms it can sometimes be better to wait to test as it can take time for your body to show signs of infection and for it to show up in our tests. Please consider the information below before taking a test. If it's done too early it may not be accurate.

  • It can take two weeks after sex, for chlamydia and gonorrhoea to show up on a test
  • An HIV test is highly accurate 45 days (about 6 weeks) after sex
  • Syphilis can take up to 12 weeks to show up on a test after sex

If you have no symptoms and have consulted the information above, you can book a test online here.

If you have symptoms or have been in contact with an infection it is important to be seen as soon as possible. Please call us on 0141 211 8130 to make an appointment.

If you are worried about the risk of HIV exposure in the last 72 hours please ring us on 0141 211 8130 as you may need treatment, PEP, to prevent infection.

How often should I test ?

It’s a good idea for everyone who is sexually active to book a test for STIs and HIV once a year, whether you have one partner or more than one partner.

If you are changing partners, it’s advised to test at least every six months. Some people (listed below) should consider testing more often such as every 3 months.

  • people with high numbers of sexual partners
  • those using PrEP
  • gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (GBMSM) who are changing partners
  • people involved in the commercial sex industry 


Our Time Sensitive Health Care page has info on when you need to test sooner. 

How do I book a test?

For those 16 and over without symptoms you can book an STI test online. You will be given the choice of coming into one of our clinics to do an Express Test or being sent an At Home Self-Sampling Kit to send back to us. Your online booking can be cancelled and rescheduled online, too.

For those over 16 with symptoms, we advise you to please call us to book your appointment as soon as possible. This is because you will need a consultation with a doctor to discuss any treatment.

For anyone aged 13 - 16 whether you have symptoms or not, you can book your test online here. However if you prefer, you can also do this over the phone on 0141 211 8130.

If you're unsure, you can use our How Do I Book my STI Test Decision Tool

Who will take my test?

This will depend on what you are being tested for and if you have any symptoms.

Express Tests and Self-Sampling Kits

If you have no symptoms you can book an Express Test as you don't need to have a full consultation with clinical staff. At this appointment you take your own urine and/or swab sample for testing for Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea. Clinical staff will take your blood for HIV & Syphilis.  

If you just want to test for Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea, you can also opt to have anAt-Home Self-Sampling Kit sent out to you. You complete this yourself by following an instruction booklet and sending it back to us for testing. There is a limited supply of kits, if there are no kits available try again another day. 

If you have symptoms, please book an in-person appointment so you can be seen by a clinician.

How will my test be done?

Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea are tested for by swabs or urine sample. If you have no symptoms you can take this swab yourself. The tests are very easy to do. Please read our guidance on this here (the tests are done the same way whether opting for an At-Home Kit or coming to an Express Test appointment).

HIV and Syphilis are tested for by taking a blood sample, which will be done by a clinician.

When will I get my results?
Blood test results are usually available after 2pm, 2 working days after the tests were taken.
Swab and urine tests can take longer and may take up to 10 days depending on the test.

To get results for most tests for sexual infection (chlamydia, gonorrhoea, syphilis, HIV, genital herpes, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C) you can call our automated telephone results line on Sandyford 0141 211 8694.

To get the results you will need your clinic (NaSH) number. 

To find out more about getting your results, visit this page: Getting My Results

Further Information:

Getting your results

FAQs and more information about getting your results after testing with us.

What to expect at Sandyford

All the information you need about your visit to Sandyford. Before, during and after the appointment.

Find out more about STIs on NHS Inform

For more info on the different types of STIs, visit NHS Inform.

Private Testing - Caution

We are aware that some people are choosing to have STI tests through a private clinic/privately provided at-home kit.

Please note that Sandyford and Brownlee are unable to offer treatment to patients unless they have been tested by the NHS.

Testing Information in Another Language